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Our Children, Our World: Music in Celebration of Nature

Our Children, Our World, Music of Daniel Kallman

On Thursday, June 20, at the Northfield Middle School, Kallman will be joined by musicians of all ages in this concert dedicated to the celebration of nature with an emphasis on the need to leave a livable planet to our children.  Liz Shepley (former Artistic Director of the Northfield Youth Choirs) and drummer Steve Jennings will assist. The concert features two children’s choirs, solo singers and instrumentalists, and a choir of high school singers and alums performing Kallman’s works in a variety of styles from concert pieces to jazz/pop/rock. Sponsored by the Northfield Arts Guild. This activity is made possible through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council in cooperation with a private foundation.

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 7:00 p.m.
Northfield Middle School Auditorium, 2200 Division St. S., Northfield, MN
Tickets available at the Guild, 304 Division St. S., by calling 507-645-8877, or online at